Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Day in the Life

Hello to everyone reading this. I don't know how many of you will actually care about this, but I decided I might as well try to educate the world on the truth of sociopaths. We aren't insane. We have our own layer of sanity, we just can't explain it well to others who don't have it. If you really want to know what our personalities are like picture a child. A six or seven year old in a grown up body. There you go. That is what we are like, just most of the time we have an exceptional intellect.
Being a sociopath is an antisocial personality disorder that develops in childhood. The average sociopathic person shows many signs of being one, and is easy to identify by others, but they wouldn't know. If you think we are the same as a psychopath, you should read more before you accuse. We are nothing like psychopaths. Click here to learn more about the disease itself, because this is just going to be about what life is like for one of us. Namely, me.
My mental state has always been different from everybody elses. I thought it was just because I was raised differently, then I had siblings and I realized that it was just me. One month ago, March of 2016, I went to a professional with my parents. It was there for the first time that someone actually truly understood what my life was, and what my psychology was like. He asked simple questions, and some harder ones, and I answered all of them. At the end he didn't even have to look back over everything, he just looked at my parents and said, "The results are positive." My parents were shocked and started asking questions, but I could've cared less. He basically was just confirming something I'd guessed a long time ago, that I was different and that that wasn't necessarily a good thing.
That's how I learned that I was a sociopath, so I'm signing off for now. I will post as often as possible to give you all a glimpse inside the mind of me.
Enjoy your simpleminded sanity!

Sociopathic Sanity

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